Tuesday 31 January 2012

New you!

I like this quote.  It's so true.  Too many of us dwell in the past.  The only thing yesterday was good for was great memories (if they are positive) and a lesson learned (if you made a mistake).  You can't change it - no matter how hard you try - you are only in control of your now. 

When it comes to peoples fitness or nutrition I hear excuses like "Well, I've always been this way" or "I've always eaten that..."  Great - that was in the past - this is now.  

Do you know what my definition of insanity is?: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  Do you want your life to change?  Then forget about what you used to do and try another way.  Write a new chapter - a better, more exciting, healthier, happier chapter!  It's hard to change our ways.  Life gets so overwhelming and busy that the status quo simply takes less effort.  But you are worth the effort and so are the results that come with it!  

If you have always been a certain way, but want to change it - don't allow yourself to continue to rehash how you got there.  It's pointless.  Set your sights on what it takes to be different.  What do other people that have/are what you want doing now?  Emulate the positive actions of the people you know who have what you want.  Listen to new ideas and research before dismissing them since "that's not what you've been told".  Things change - you can change too!  Today, this very moment and the ones to follow, are the only moments that really count.   It doesn't matter that you missed your workout yesterday, or that you had pizza for dinner last night - you can't change that.  You CAN, however, workout hard and make a healthy meal choice today.

Really think about it....

You write your own story - what comes next is up to you... 

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