Saturday 14 January 2012

Fun Overload!

What did you do this weekend?  We just returned from Lake Louise where it was fun overload!  I worked Friday morning, drove to Louise, skied from 12-4, went skating at the Chateau, had dinner, went for a sleigh ride and a hot tub - then skied a full day today and I'm just about to leave for hockey!  I work out for many reasons - one of which is to have the energy to do all of the things I love and live every moment to the fullest.
What keeps you challenged? 
What drives your need to be in the gym? 
Is an aesthetic ideal always enough? 

In my professional experience - it's often not.  Setting physical goals for yourself is key (that's why I continue to do weight, measurements and most importantly photos with almost every client I work with), but what about other aspects of your fitness life?  While it feels amazing to slip on a pair of previously tight jeans easily and know you are rockin' them - it's also amazing to stand at the top of a mountain you have just hiked and not feel like your going to pass out, or ski that run from top to bottom without your legs begging you to stop, or even just getting up that flight of stairs at work without puffing embarrassingly in front of your colleagues, or picking up your 35 lbs grandson without even a second thought.  On those days when you just don't think you care about how flat your abs are (even though you should!), why not have another motivator to get those gym shoes on and get to it?  I want to challenge you to add a performance based goal to your list for 2012 - you can share it with all of us below in the comments if you want to - everyone who reads the blog can encourage you!  And it helps make it real when you write it down and tell someone.  Why not have one more great reason to be your healthiest this year?!    

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