Sunday 11 March 2012

What Challenges you?

Gary -  Photo by Graham McKerrell
He also does professional portraits etc.
 Contact me for his info!

Hey All!  Hope you had a wonderful weekend.  We skied (as usual :) but just on Saturday.  I decided my body was asking for a day off - it's easy for me to ignore it when it asks nicely, but it was starting to yell!

Our friend Graham took some more really great shots of us at Lake Louise that I wanted to share with you.  I love this one of Gary!  He did push hard and take a few pretty hard wipe outs before and after this shot - but he was challenging himself - and it paid off!  What challenges you?

Do you try chin ups in your workout even though you have never completed a full one? - Great Challenge!

Do you accept an invite to do something you have never done before with a new friend (rock climbing, x-country skiing, skating, etc.) - Awesome!

Me @ Lake Louise this weekend
Photo by Graham McKerrell

Do you put yourself out side of your comfort zone every now and then?  In my experience, these are the things that have become the most significant standout events in my life.  I'm not saying you have to do something dangerous to challenge yourself - it can be something as easy as agreeing to speak in front of a group of colleagues when public speaking makes your heart want to beat out of your chest, or trying to bike up that huge hill you usually get off and walk up, or staying in a hostel instead of a fancy hotel and meeting some amazing interesting new people...  One of my favourite "out of the box experiences" is when Gary and I borrowed some mules in the Chilean Andes for 3 days and 2 nights and set off with a backpack, a tent and our skis to go find and ski a mountain peak that had never been skied before.  It was a challenge!  I know about horses, but these mules? - Nope...  Did we know exactly where we were going? - Nope... Were there a lot of unknowns? - Yup!  That was the challenge!

I like to challenge myself weekly with a tough workout or skiing something that scares me a little or working on developing greater communication and trust with my "energetic" horse Sara...  The message here - 

Comfortable gets boring!  How are you going to challenge yourself this week? 

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