Monday 19 March 2012

Leaving a Legacy - as simple as the Butterfly Effect

That word sounds so serious - legacy.  And I'm not entirely sure what made me think about this today, but I thought I'd share some personal thoughts as they stream right now...  Maybe I'm feeling a little mortal and vulnerable as well as crazy excited about our Heli-Ski trip to Valdez, Alaska this weekend - not that I don't plan on returning home safely (don't worry mom!:)  

I'm a big preacher of living life the fullest and each day to it's full potential - and I guess sometimes with that comes some element of risk.  This in turn goes hand in hand with how you'll be remembered - whether it's tomorrow or 80 years from now.  What story will your legacy tell?

I don't think it has to be as intense as it sounds, but it can have a profound effect on the world non-the-less.  I feel extremely blessed to have the opportunity to have a positive impact in someones life each day that I go to work - whether through a healthy lifestyle change that has a ripple effect through their overall quality of life or simply through some positive encouragement and feedback - and I do take that quite seriously.  It's not only a responsibility of my job, but a perk too :)   I know not everyone has that chance directly through their career, but I think we all have a chance to leave a little bit of our positive legacy with every person we connect with (even briefly) on a daily basis.  We can all remember the really bad day we were having when a friend or even a complete stranger did something so simple yet kind for us, that it really changed the direction of our day (a smile, a genuine complement, a helping hand...).  Are you aware of how many interactions you have with others in a day that give you the opportunity to be remembered in a positive and maybe even profound way?  It's the butterfly effect - never underestimate the importance of who you are and what you mean to the world.  Every moment is a new chance to leave something positive behind - you're legacy :)  

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