Thursday 1 March 2012

Meal Planning

When you woke up, did you know what you were going to eat all day today?

If you are trying to lose weight or change to a healthier lifestyle - You should have! 
Sound like too much work or obsessing about food?  Trust me - it's so much easier than realizing you haven't eaten in 5 hours, becoming so ravenous due to a blood sugar drop that you feel like nothing but a burger can satisfy your extreme hunger, and finding yourself pulling into an awful fast food place to get one.  When your day is planned in advance, you never have to worry about when or what you are going to eat - less thought, not more, goes into meals.  You always have something ready and at hand - so you don't have to simply reach for what's close by.

This concept is imperative for those who want to change their health and body for the better.  Here are some tips on how to do this:

* When you are making breakfast or brewing the coffee - pull out some glass containers and pack leftover dinner and snacks for your day.  It will literally take you less than 5 mins to do this - well worth it!

* Look at what you have packed - Is it the appropriate amount of food for you for the day?  If yes, then make a decision right then and there that this is the ONLY food you will consume.  Don't deviate from the plan!  If no, pack more and determine when you will eat what (10am snack of 1/2 apple and 15 nuts, leftovers at lunch, 2:30 or 3pm snack of cucumbers and carrots with 1 oz guacamole).  If you allow yourself to think that you will just find something on the fly when your at work, it will be way harder to find the correct food to complement your goals.

* Also plan to have the correct amount of fluids with you for the day.  Have a water bottle on your desk and in the car.  Stay hydrated - it is so important for your health and also helps you feel fuller.

You are worth this small effort - and it will dramatically change the way you think about food and meals.  When you begin to fuel the body properly, you will begin to see the results you are looking for and feel more in control of your health.

I will be posting some more meal plans next week for you to try.  Have a great weekend!

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