Sunday 4 March 2012

Bulk Food Prep and Meal Planning

Those of you who have been following the blog for a while now (or are a current or former client), you know that I strongly encourage your take a day to prep food in bulk so you are ready for the week.  We cook A LOT on Sundays.  This is a pic and list of what we made today for this week:

* Chicken Garam Masala with sweet potatoes

* Steak

* Spolumbos Chicken Apple and Spicy Sausages

* Turkey Loaf  (I eat this with Neil Brothers Organic Salsa - yum!)

* We also cut up tons of veggies and put them in the large bin for the week.
(for salads, stirfys, and snacking).

We will use this all week for meals.  We also eat fish fresh one or two evenings a week (I just take it out to defrost in the morning and cook it when I get home from work).  We even take our own food to the mountains when we stay at the hostel to ski in Lake Louise.

Making short term goals is important in your long term plan.  What do you want your nutrition to look like this week, this month?  Take a moment to close your eyes and imagine how your body might look if you fuelled it with clean, nutritious food - how will you feel?  Your energy will skyrocket and so will your confidence :)  You must make the decision consciously - so life, friend/co-worker/family pressures don't interfere.  Just because everyone else is eating this or that and not making time for exercise or prioritizing active recreation doesn't mean it's not right for you.  Your choice is the most important - seek people and experiences that are supportive!

Check back all week for some meal plans with this prepped food and also for additional free meal plans as well :)

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