Wednesday 28 March 2012

Fitness....For Everybody!

Thanks to Deb for sending me this neat picture.  I thought I'd share it with you all :)  For those of you who have never trained on one - the apparatus the man is using is a TRX suspension trainer (we use them in the gym and you can also use them outdoors or at home, anywhere really!).

It reminds me that fitness is important and accessible to everyone, not just those of us with gym memberships.  We shouldn't let logistics interfere with our health.  There are always choices.  Check out the previous posts for the 14 day challenge to see 3 short workouts that require NO equipment whatsoever - and then try one to see how challenging and effective they can be!  I often prescribe and design workouts like this for clients that will be traveling away from home for work often, or if they want to train on an extended vacation (contact me if you are interested in one for yourself ;)

I'm looking forward to posting more interesting and innovative workouts for you right here on the blog in the future to help you all get/stay fit with no excuses. This TRX guy rocks!

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