Thursday 9 February 2012

Prepare for the 14 day Fitness Challenge!

What can you do in 14 days?  A lot!

With minimal time and effort - yet maximum consistency - you can make significant changes in your body in 14 days.  Sunday night I will post the 1st of 3 free video workouts for you to do.  For 14 days you can follow along and rotate through days 1-3.  Each workout is only 8 minutes long - don't tell me you can't find 8 minutes in your day to try it :)  It's as simple as getting up 8 mins early, waiting for supper to finish in the oven, or doing it on your lunch break.  The key will be intensity.  Give 100% for 8 minutes each day.

Sounds easy right?  The other catch is nutrition.  What goes into your body accounts for up to 80% of your results!  14 day challengers should follow these guidelines:

* Most of your consumption should come from lean meat/protein (chicken, turkey, fish, eggs) and above ground veggies.  Eat beef and lamb etc. less frequently (~2-3 times per week).

* Eat 3-5 times per day.

* Do not eat ANY grains or legumes (wheat, barley, quinoa, black beans, chickpeas, rice, oats, etc)

* Include 2-3 servings of healthy fats per day (not more, not less).  These include: Krill/fish oil, 1/2 an avocado, 10 nuts, 5 oz salmon, cold olive oil, coconut oil for cooking, grape seed oil, etc.

* Eat lots of green veggies!  When feeling munchie  - grab some veggies.  Always have them cut up and on hand in the fridge.

* Drink at least 3 L of water per day.

* Choose your cheat day NOW.  Only include 1 cheat day in the 14 days and know when it is going to be (a dinner out, a birthday, etc).  Do not cheat - even a little bit - on the other 13 days!

* Get at least 8 hours sleep every night.

I will be providing more meal plans and nutritional advise through the 14 days.  You can also visit the recipes page on our website for some ideas :) 

So get prepped this weekend by shopping for and cooking up some yummy healthy food and putting your workout shoes/clothes by the bed to remind you!  Tell your friends and family - do it together.  Challenge them and support them and they can do the same for you. Check back every day next week for motivation and support through the Free 14 Days of Fitness Challenge!

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