Tuesday 28 February 2012

Stuff I Love: Fluoride Free Toothpaste

Fluoride Free Toothpaste:   Desert Essence   Natural Tea Tree Oil and Neem

There is a lot of controversy about the need for fluoride (how much, if at all) for adults and even for children.  According to my research and personal experience, any potential benefits of fluoride are far outweighed by the potential negatives.  Did you know that fluoride has been linked to the following issues?:

*Fluoride in drinking water can harm your pineal gland and alter melatonin production, which raises your risk of Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and other diseases.

*Fluoride may directly or indirectly interfere with thyroid function, and can be more harmful to older women, who are more prone to develop hypothyroidism.

* The Environmental Protection Agency believes that fluoride can impair neurological function.

*The fluoride in your drinking water is not pharmaceutical grade and is a toxic industrial waste contaminated with dangerous pollutants like lead and arsenic.

*Some of the fluoride you ingest accumulates in your skeleton, where it can stay for up to 20 years and cause skeletal fluorosis and bone fractures.

(some sites to check out in regards to this topic are http://www.epa.gov/  and  www.mercola.com)  

Since discontinuing the use of fluoride toothpaste I noticed a personal change in my thyroid function, and have yet to have any problems with my teeth (I had never had a cavity and still haven't developed any since I began using natural toothpaste).  The most important thing you can do for your oral health (and health in general!) is to eat correctly.  Sugar (from all sources including both candy/pop and grains) is a major cause of tooth decay and illness.  When the majority of your foods come from nutrient dense, low sugar foods, oral health should improve significantly!

Some of the natural toothpastes I have tried don't seem to make my mouth feel clean and fresh - but this one is my favourite by far.

Love it! 

Monday 27 February 2012

Last Day! 14 Day Challenge - Core/Abs

Sunday was your last day of the 14 day challenge (should have done the ab/core workout and stretching) - did you complete the challenge?  Did you see the amazing result of only 8 intense minutes per day?  You can always go back and try it again if you struggled with consistency or the nutrition.  I'm going to be talking a bit more about nutrition in the next few weeks.

It's time to re-evaluate your goals - what do you want for your health and your body?  Determine what it take to get there and then make a plan!  get help if you need it - check out our website for new programs or options that could help :) 

It's not a chore or another stress to take great care of your body - it's worth it - it's your life!  It's just a matter of making it a habit.  Change the bad habits to good ones.  Determine whats the most important to you.  It's not always easy - your friends may not be supportive - people don't like it much when someone else is doing something they wish they could do, but aren't/can't.  I will talk a little more about that this week too...

Let the end of the challenge be the start of the new you - healthier and happier!
Have a great week!

Saturday 25 February 2012

Day 13: 14 day Challenge - Repeat Workout #1 + #2 Consecutively!

Big Challenge for today!  It's day 13 of 14 and it's time to test your limits.  Your challenge for today is to do BOTH workouts 1 and 2.  Set your timer as usual - for 8 minutes.  Do the first 8 minute AMRAP.  Rest 2-4 mins (until you feel fairly recovered) and then do the second 8 minute AMRAP.  Be sure to cooldown and stretch at the end.  Get ready to step outside your comfort zone today.  Good luck and work hard  -it's still under 20 minutes!

5 X full burpees  (mod: step feet out and in to plank position, push up from knees)
5 X pushups  (mod: from knees)
20 X scissor lunges  (mod: step back lunges - no jump)
20 X crab toe touch
50 X skips  (mod: no rope - just mimic arms and jumping)
20 X Plie Squat Knee to Elbow 
10 X Prone Oblique Destroyer  (mod: held bridge or toe taps only)
10 X Sprinter Lunge Hop/leg  (mod: step back lunges only - no jump)

Friday 24 February 2012

Day 12: 14 day Challenge - Repeat Workout #3 - Abs!

You're almost there!  It's day 12 of 14 - you should be a pro at these workouts by now :)
It's core and stretching today.  Same format - do as many rounds as you can in 8 minutes.

10 X double leg drop + reverse curl  (mod: single leg drop + reverse curl)

30 X V-sit core rotations  (mod: keep heels on the ground)

10 X lower body rotational bridge + toe tap  (mod: held bridge or toe taps only)

10 X side plank hip lift/side  (mod: held side bridge from elbow or hip lifts from elbow)
Ensure you are also stretching.  Here are my stretching recommendations:

Windmill/Triangle: Hips, Torso, Adductor, Hamstring

Downward Dog: Hamstings, Calves

Pigeon: Hips, Glutes


Adductors (inner thigh), Hamstrings



Thursday 23 February 2012

Day 10 + 11: 14 day Challenge - Repeat Workout #1 + #2 Full Body Blast!

Only a few days left of the 14 day challenge!  You should be a pro at these workouts by now - keeping it simple this first time around - so no excuses :)  All you have to do is push through them at 100%!    I reposted the videos for you below for workouts #1 and #2. 
Have you been beating your first round score consistently?  Do as many rounds as possible in 8 minutes (8 min AMRAP). 

Repeat Workout #1
5 X full burpees  (mod: step feet out and in to plank position, push up from knees)
5 X pushups  (mod: from knees)
20 X scissor lunges  (mod: step back lunges - no jump)
20 X crab toe touch
50 X skips  (mod: no rope - just mimic arms and jumping)
Repeat Workout #2
20 X Plie Squat Knee to Elbow 
10 X Prone Oblique Destroyer  (mod: held bridge or toe taps only)
10 X Sprinter Lunge Hop/leg  (mod: step back lunges only - no jump)


Tuesday 21 February 2012

Day 9: 14 day Challenge - Repeat Workout #3 - Abs!

Are you still on track?  I hope so!  It's Abs/Core and stretching day - very important :)

Click on Day #3 on the right hand side of the page (past blog list) for the workout video for today and photos of the stretches.  I just completed a modified version of workout #1 this morning at home.  I combined the pushups and crab toe touch - I will film it soon and share it with you - it's a cool exercise!  I almost made 4 full rounds - timer went off before I did the last set of skipping.

Keep working hard - only this week left to go!

Friday 17 February 2012

Day 6,7,8: 14 day Challenge - Repeat Workout #3, #1, #2 + Family Day Long Weekend

Day 6,7,8: Workouts 3,1,2:

For the weekend: Go back to the earlier posts to see the videos for your workouts for the weekend.  In this 14 day challenge we are trying not to even take the weekends off :)  Your workouts are only 8 minutes long plus they can be done anywhere (the cabin, a hotel room, etc)!  You will feel so great after a full 14 days of commitment - keep at it!

It's family day long weekend - hope you have a wonderful holiday Monday :)  I have an amazing family but have yet to ask their permission to post their photos - so I posted some photos of my furry family instead!  They are amazing too :)

Ollie: Australian Shepard (age 13)
Sara: Quarter Horse (age 7)
                                                 Toby: Quarter Horse (age 12)
                                               Violet (old!)

Cody: Quarter Horse (age 21!)
Who was the best 9th birthday present ever!

Thursday 16 February 2012

Day 5: 14 day Challenge - Repeat Workout #2 + new recipe

Day 5: Repeat Workout #2

8 Minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible):

20 X Plie Squat Knee to Elbow 

10 X Prone Oblique Destroyer  (mod: held bridge or toe taps only)

10 X Sprinter Lunge Hop/leg  (mod: step back lunges only - no jump)


It's already day 5 - you are almost through a week!  How is your body feeling?  If you have been fueling only with clean food and lots of water, you should be noticing a flatter belly already (no bloating and puffiness :)  Keep pushing through your 8 minutes with as much intensity as possible - commit!

Here is a new recipe for you to try this weekend:

Pecan Crusted Chicken Breast:

* Fillet the breast into 2 thin slices (like your cutting open a hamburger bun).
* Crack an egg in to a bowl and mix it.
* In another bowl combine: almond flour, crushed pecans (I just use a masher or put them in a baggie and use my hand to crunch them :), and spices (I use celery salt, garlic powder, onion powder, basil and fresh ground pepper).
* Drag chicken through egg and then coat in pecan mixture.
* Fry each side in a pan with a bit of pre-heated coconut oil.
* I love to eat this with stone ground mustard.  Yum!

Day 4: 14 day Challenge - Repeat Workout #1 + what are you eating?

Day 4: Repeat Workout #1

Try to beat your round # score from Day 1!

5 X full burpees  (mod: step feet out and in to plank position, push up from knees)
5 X pushups  (mod: from knees)
20 X scissor lunges  (mod: step back lunges - no jump)
20 X crab toe touch
50 X skips  (mod: no rope - just mimic arms and jumping)

What are you Eating?

The truth is - you can work out all you want, but the body you are working so hard to create will still be hidden under a layer of body fat if you are eating the wrong foods.  You can still achieve a greater level of cardiovascular fitness and strength, but your aesthetic changes and overall health will not be as positively affected unless you fuel up on the right foods.

"Prep for the 14 day challenge" blog entry has some basic guidelines for what should be eaten on a daily basis - and here is the short version below (along with an example):

14 day challengers should follow these guidelines:

* Most of your consumption should come from lean meat/protein (chicken, turkey, fish, eggs) and above ground veggies.  Eat beef and lamb etc. less frequently (~2-3 times per week).

* Eat 3-5 times per day.

* Do not eat ANY grains or legumes (bread or any wheat products, barley, quinoa, black beans, chickpeas, rice, oats, etc)

* Include 2-3 servings of healthy fats per day (not more, not less).  These include: Krill/fish oil, 1/2 an avocado, 10 nuts, 5 oz salmon, cold olive oil, coconut oil for cooking, grape seed oil, etc.

* Eat lots of green veggies!  When feeling munchie  - grab some veggies.  Always have them cut up and on hand in the fridge.

* Drink at least 3 L of water per day.

* Choose your cheat day NOW.  Only include 1 cheat day in the 14 days and know when it is going to be (a dinner out, a birthday, etc).  Do not cheat - even a little bit - on the other 13 days!

* Get at least 8 hours sleep every night.
Example: What I will eat today :)
Meal 1:  2 eggs and a green monster shake (blended kale, brussel sprouts, cucumber, spinach, carrot, 1/3 of a banana, ice, brocolli stalks, 1/2 avocado).
Meal 2:  Black coffee, pecans, cucumbers, carrots
Meal 3:  Turkey Loaf and salsa,  Spinach salad with balsamic vinigar and olive oil
Meal 4:  Chicken with stone ground mustard, Broccoli and Cauliflower
Meal 5:  Turkey Loaf and salsa

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Day 3: 14 day Challenge - Workout #3! Abs/Core + Stretch

Day 3: Workout #3:  Abs/Core  8 minute AMRAP and Stretching

You should be feeling your legs a bit today after our first 2 challenge workouts.  Today is all about abs and stretching.  This is a great ab bonus to add to other workouts later after the challenge is over too :)

As usual - do the ab sequence below as continuously as possible for 8 minutes. 
Important:  If you feel tension in your lower back, stop, readjust your position and try again.  If you can't continue without back strain - your abs are too fatigued and it's time for you to stop.

For those of you who don't know what's going on - check out the blog from Friday the 10th (and the previous blog entry) about the 14 day challenge to get caught up :)  There is where you will find some starter nutritional guidance as well.  Below is your 3rd workout (with beginner modifications in brackets) and video.  Set your timer/watch for 8 minutes - and push yourself hard! 

10 X double leg drop + reverse curl  (mod: single leg drop + reverse curl)

30 X V-sit core rotations  (mod: keep heels on the ground)

10 X lower body rotational bridge + toe tap  (mod: held bridge or toe taps only)

10 X side plank hip lift/side  (mod: held side bridge from elbow or hip lifts from elbow)


Keep core tight and engaged throughout each movement.  Then hold each of the stretches pictured for 30 seconds each (do both sides if one side only is pictured :)

Windmill/Triangle: Hips, Torso, Adductor


Downward Dog: Hamstrings, Calves, Lats

Pigeon: Hip (Glute)

Adductors, Hamstrings

Hip Flexor (Front of the hip)


Monday 13 February 2012

Day 2: 14 day Challenge - Workout #2! Legs + Core

Day 2: Workout #2:  Legs and Core  8 minute AMRAP

How did yesterday go?  Did you eat healthy and clean?  Did you push yourself 100% for the entire 8 minutes?  I hope so!  Now you know what to expect and you can really go for it today :)

For those of you who don't know what's going on - check out the blog from Friday the 10th (and the previous blog entry) about the 14 day challenge to get caught up :)  There is where you will find some starter nutritional guidance as well.  Below is your 2nd workout (with beginner modifications in brackets) and video.  Set your timer/watch for 8 minutes - and push yourself hard!  Do as many rounds of the following 3 exercises (continuously) in the 8 minutes (AMRAP = as many rounds as possible):

20 X Plie Squat Knee to Elbow 

10 X Prone Oblique Destroyer  (mod: held bridge or toe taps only)

10 X Sprinter Lunge Hop/leg  (mod: step back lunges only - no jump)

Push yourself for the entire 8 minutes!

Check in tomorrow for an excellent Abs/Core workout
and some stretching instruction!

Sunday 12 February 2012

Day 1: 14 day Challenge - Workout #1!

14 day Challenge

Day 1: Workout #1:  Full Body 8 minute AMRAP

Welcome to Day 1!  I hope you're excited about the next 14 days :)  You will be doing an 8 minute workout each day and following some healthy nutritional guidelines - to see just how much you can affect your body with a few minutes a day and come consistency!

For those of you who don't know what's going on - check out the previous blog about the 14 day challenge to get caught up :)  There is where you will find some starter nutritional guidance as well.  Below is your 1st workout (with beginner modifications in brackets) and video.  Set your timer/watch for 8 minutes - and push yourself hard!  Do as many rounds of the following 5 exercises (continuously) in the 8 minutes (AMRAP = as many rounds as possible):

5 X full burpees  (mod: step feet out and in to plank position, push up from knees)
5 X pushups  (mod: from knees)
20 X scissor lunges  (mod: step back lunges - no jump)
20 X crab toe touch
50 X skips  (mod: no rope - just mimick arms and jumping)

In the video you can see correct form for one full round of the 8 minute workout.  Feel free to share and post the number of rounds you complete below in the comments.  You will be doing this workout again in 3 days so you can try to improve and beat your score.  Let's set the tone for the next 2 weeks with an amazing workout today! 

We are keeping it simple for our first time around. 
Here is an overview of your next 2 weeks:
Day 1: Workout #1 - Full Body 8 minute AMRAP
Day 2: Workout #2 - Full Body 8 minute AMRAP
Day 3: Workout #3 - Abs/Core 8 minute AMRAP and stretching
Day 4: Repeat Workout #1
Day 5: Repeat Workout #2
Day 6: Repeat Workout #3

Make sure you are following the nutritional advice simply laid out in the last post and watch for meal plans and more tips along the way.  Check back tomorrow for your next workout!

Thursday 9 February 2012

Prepare for the 14 day Fitness Challenge!

What can you do in 14 days?  A lot!

With minimal time and effort - yet maximum consistency - you can make significant changes in your body in 14 days.  Sunday night I will post the 1st of 3 free video workouts for you to do.  For 14 days you can follow along and rotate through days 1-3.  Each workout is only 8 minutes long - don't tell me you can't find 8 minutes in your day to try it :)  It's as simple as getting up 8 mins early, waiting for supper to finish in the oven, or doing it on your lunch break.  The key will be intensity.  Give 100% for 8 minutes each day.

Sounds easy right?  The other catch is nutrition.  What goes into your body accounts for up to 80% of your results!  14 day challengers should follow these guidelines:

* Most of your consumption should come from lean meat/protein (chicken, turkey, fish, eggs) and above ground veggies.  Eat beef and lamb etc. less frequently (~2-3 times per week).

* Eat 3-5 times per day.

* Do not eat ANY grains or legumes (wheat, barley, quinoa, black beans, chickpeas, rice, oats, etc)

* Include 2-3 servings of healthy fats per day (not more, not less).  These include: Krill/fish oil, 1/2 an avocado, 10 nuts, 5 oz salmon, cold olive oil, coconut oil for cooking, grape seed oil, etc.

* Eat lots of green veggies!  When feeling munchie  - grab some veggies.  Always have them cut up and on hand in the fridge.

* Drink at least 3 L of water per day.

* Choose your cheat day NOW.  Only include 1 cheat day in the 14 days and know when it is going to be (a dinner out, a birthday, etc).  Do not cheat - even a little bit - on the other 13 days!

* Get at least 8 hours sleep every night.

I will be providing more meal plans and nutritional advise through the 14 days.  You can also visit the recipes page on our website for some ideas :) 

So get prepped this weekend by shopping for and cooking up some yummy healthy food and putting your workout shoes/clothes by the bed to remind you!  Tell your friends and family - do it together.  Challenge them and support them and they can do the same for you. Check back every day next week for motivation and support through the Free 14 Days of Fitness Challenge!

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Stuff I Love... Rocky Mountain Soap Company

I love (and use) these products for lots of reasons:

*They are totally natural.  They are made with whole ingredients found in nature.  I like their mission statement regarding the harvesting and use of natural ingredients.

*Because they are all natural, they are paraben free.  Super important - especially for products you use every day in order to reduce your exposure to carcinogenic toxins and xenoestrogens. 

*They are made locally in Canmore - yay for supporting Canadian business!

*Because they are made locally, they produce a smaller environmental footprint -
small shipping distance = less pollution.

*They don't overpackage.  They only use what is needed to hold the product - and much of the packaging is recyclable.  Great for keeping garbage out of the overflowing landfills!

*They work really well!  The soaps don't over dry or strip my skin of natural oils.  The lotion isn't too greasy but does a nice job of maintaining even moisture.  The lip butter smells SO yummy and keeps my lips soft.

Love it!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

If Only...What if...I Will!

As a trainer, I can sometimes categorize people into 1 of 3 groups:  "If Only" people, "What if" people, and "I Will" people.  Let me explain...

The "If Only" person
These people have yet to take responsibility and control of their personal situation.  They often externalize the cause of events or realities of their lives.  Statements the "If Only" person might say would be:

If only I wasn't overweight...
If only I had more time...
If only I had more support...
If only I had more money...
If only I had the willpower...
If only diets worked for me...

Are you an "If Only" person?  I rarely, if ever, see someone from this group achieve their maximum potential.  Yes, we must accept that not all things are under our control at all times, but we can control how we respond and react to each new reality.  Don't allow "If Only" to control you or your goals -you have more power and control than you think - you just need to make it a priority.  You need to realize that you are worth the effort and time it takes, and you can gain control of your health, fitness, and physical wellness.

The "What If" person
People in this group are thinking about what might be the best way to get to where they are going.  I like this phase - "What If's" ask lots of questions:

What if I did more cardio? (ps - this is NOT the answer for most peoples goals)
What if I took this supplement? (if there was a magic pill I'd let you know :)
What if I tried this diet? (diets, in the traditional sense, don't work in the long term)
What if I made some time in the morning to do a short intense workout? (great idea!)
What if I tried eating like you suggested for 30 days? (even better idea! :)

Sometimes this phase can get frustrating (for me and for the What if person), because often these people feel like they are trying quite hard, yet due to the constant bouncing around with different diets, supplements, exercise programs, etc., consistency is not achieved and therefor neither are their goals.  This is an experimental phase/group - which is great!  Asking lots of questions and seeing what your body responds to best is fantastic - but you eventually need to develop a habit that you can maintain as a lifestyle - or you will bounce around in this phase forever always looking for the next best thing or quick fix.  The key lies in eventually getting out of this group and becoming an open-minded "I Will" person.

The "I Will" person

These people tend to accept responsibility for their goals and success.  They are determined and positive.  The "I Will" person is ready to commit to trying, to the best of their abilities, to reach their maximum potential. 

I will make time for a workout today.
I will plan and prepare my food so I can eat healthy today.
I will make good nutritious food choices today.
I will give my best effort even if it feels difficult.
I will stay positive and persevere even when I need to change my expectations of success.

So - say I WILL today!  Even to just one thing - take full control of your success.  Make a plan and stick to it.  Find happiness and excitement in the knowledge that you are taking care of the one body that you have for the rest of this wonderful life (not feeling so wonderful right now? - find one thing you can control and change it!).  Even one aspect that you control today can boost your confidence for tomorrow.


Monday 6 February 2012

Incredibly Easy Recipe...

Coconut Curry Chicken and Veggies

I stumbled upon this pack of spices that I think I may have gotten sometime as a gift.  I didn't use the recommended recipe on the back - I made it easier :)  It's a really cool concept - all the spices you need in one package.  The one I used is called "Memories of Goa"  and it's Presidents Choice brand.

Here is what I did:
I browned a full package of chicken thighs in a pan, drained the oil and liquid.
I cut up a lot of the following veggies in very large chunks:
sweet potato, zucchini, parsnips and chunks of cauliflower.
I mixed all of the spices from the package into a can of coconut milk.

I added the browned chicken thighs, sweet potato, parsnips and spiced coconut milk to my slow cooker and turned it on high.  After 2 hours I added the zucchini and cauliflower and continued to mix it occasionally (once or twice in the 2 hours) and pour the sauce over everything for another 2 hours or so.  The chicken got fall apart tender and the veggies really soaked in the flavor.  The spices made this dish - it is so tasty!

So easy!

Thursday 2 February 2012

Paleo Ski Pizza

I'm not a huge fan of someone saying they eat "Paleo", yet then trying to make everything possible look, feel and taste like a grain product.  But there is a time and place for the convenience of certain types of food.  I personally don't often include these items in my Monday to Friday meals, but I do like to make them for ski weekends (or horseback riding or hiking...).  I wanted to share my Paleo ski pizza (or squares - depending on how you cut it :)

3/4 cup almond meal
3/4 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup flax meal
1 tbsp baking powder
4 grams/packets stevia
1/2 cup shredded coconut (optional - I actually prefer 1/2 cup of almond butter instead)
1/2 to 3/4 cup coarse crushed nuts of your choice (I use pecans or walnuts)
1/3 cup mini dark chocolate chips

3 eggs
1 banana mashed
squeeze of unpasteurized organic honey

Add a little bit of H20 when you've mixed the dry and wet ingredients until the dough is moderately wet and a bit sticky.

Mold/gently flatten the dough into a cookie sheet (or pizza sheet like I did this time) and bake for about 20 mins on 325 until the edges are turning golden brown.  Remove, let cool and cut into squares or slices for baggies in your pocket on the ski hill (or wherever you might be going to have fun!).