Thursday 7 March 2013

Breakfast Series: In a Rush Snack Pack!

I understand that sometimes we eat on the run - it's a fact of life.  It's ideal to sit down and enjoy your food, but sometimes you gotta go!  I had an appointment to get to and had a nice lunch planned and packed for right afterwards (burger patty with a large salad), so I simply grabbed this snack pack to munch on in the car on the way.  It's just as simple as a muffin (without the crumbs in the car!) and much healthier.  I simply had 1/2 and apple sliced, some pecans and 3 tiny slices of unpasteurised organic Canadian cheddar plus large green tea.  Every meal you eat doesn't have to be gourmet, as long as it contains mainly whole foods that support your health and fitness goals.  Ideally, I could have also had some protein powder and water to supplement some extra protein in.  This would be a great start for those of you who are currently not eating anything at breakfast at all and who don't feel you have an appetite in the morning. Start small :)

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