Friday 23 August 2013

Simple Series: Breaky bowl

Here is a super quick breakfast (or anytime!) meal that you can whip up if you are running low on your bulk food or if you feel like a bit of a treat but don't want to jump off the healthy food ship :)

I find it makes a nice breakfast or snack when I crave something a bit sweet.

* 3 spoonfuls plain cultured coconut milk (it looks a bit like yogurt but a bit more slimy and thick)
* 1/3 of an apple - chopped
* sprinkle of walnut or pecan pieces and/or raw pumpkin seeds
* sprinkle of cinnamon

Mix all ingredients and enjoy!  It has a nice texture with the different ingredients but it is still dairy and wheat free. Its a great snack for those wanting/needing to increase their healthy fat intake.

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