As a trainer, I can sometimes categorize people into 1 of 3 groups: "If Only" people, "What if" people, and "I Will" people. Let me explain...
The "If Only" person
These people have yet to take responsibility and control of their personal situation. They often externalize the cause of events or realities of their lives. Statements the "If Only" person might say would be:
If only I wasn't overweight...
If only I had more time...
If only I had more support...
If only I had more money...
If only I had the willpower...
If only diets worked for me...
Are you an "If Only" person? I rarely, if ever, see someone from this group achieve their maximum potential. Yes, we must accept that not all things are under our control at all times, but we can control how we respond and react to each new reality. Don't allow "If Only" to control you or your goals -you have more power and control than you think - you just need to make it a priority. You need to realize that you are worth the effort and time it takes, and you can gain control of your health, fitness, and physical wellness.
The "What If" person
People in this group are thinking about what might be the best way to get to where they are going. I like this phase - "What If's" ask lots of questions:
What if I did more cardio? (ps - this is NOT the answer for most peoples goals)
What if I took this supplement? (if there was a magic pill I'd let you know :)
What if I tried this diet? (diets, in the traditional sense, don't work in the long term)
What if I made some time in the morning to do a short intense workout? (great idea!)
What if I tried eating like you suggested for 30 days? (even better idea! :)
Sometimes this phase can get frustrating (for me and for the What if person), because often these people feel like they are trying quite hard, yet due to the constant bouncing around with different diets, supplements, exercise programs, etc., consistency is not achieved and therefor neither are their goals. This is an experimental phase/group - which is great! Asking lots of questions and seeing what your body responds to best is fantastic - but you eventually need to develop a habit that you can maintain as a lifestyle - or you will bounce around in this phase forever always looking for the next best thing or quick fix. The key lies in eventually getting out of this group and becoming an open-minded "I Will" person.
The "I Will" person
These people tend to accept responsibility for their goals and success. They are determined and positive. The "I Will" person is ready to commit to trying, to the best of their abilities, to reach their maximum potential.
I will make time for a workout today.
I will plan and prepare my food so I can eat healthy today.
I will make good nutritious food choices today.
I will give my best effort even if it feels difficult.
I will stay positive and persevere even when I need to change my expectations of success.
So - say I WILL today! Even to just one thing - take full control of your success. Make a plan and stick to it. Find happiness and excitement in the knowledge that you are taking care of the one body that you have for the rest of this wonderful life (not feeling so wonderful right now? - find one thing you can control and change it!). Even one aspect that you control today can boost your confidence for tomorrow.
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