Day 1: Workout #1: Full Body 8 minute AMRAP
Welcome to Day 1! I hope you're excited about the next 14 days :) You will be doing an 8 minute workout each day and following some healthy nutritional guidelines - to see just how much you can affect your body with a few minutes a day and come consistency!
For those of you who don't know what's going on - check out the previous blog about the 14 day challenge to get caught up :) There is where you will find some starter nutritional guidance as well. Below is your 1st workout (with beginner modifications in brackets) and video. Set your timer/watch for 8 minutes - and push yourself hard! Do as many rounds of the following 5 exercises (continuously) in the 8 minutes (AMRAP = as many rounds as possible):
5 X full burpees (mod: step feet out and in to plank position, push up from knees)
5 X pushups (mod: from knees)
20 X scissor lunges (mod: step back lunges - no jump)
20 X crab toe touch
50 X skips (mod: no rope - just mimick arms and jumping)
We are keeping it simple for our first time around.
Day 1: Workout #1 - Full Body 8 minute AMRAP
Day 2: Workout #2 - Full Body 8 minute AMRAP
Day 3: Workout #3 - Abs/Core 8 minute AMRAP and stretching
Day 4: Repeat Workout #1
Day 5: Repeat Workout #2
Day 6: Repeat Workout #3
Make sure you are following the nutritional advice simply laid out in the last post and watch for meal plans and more tips along the way. Check back tomorrow for your next workout!
well that was hard :-) thank god only 8 minutes !!