I get asked this question all the time - especially by women. We have been told for so long that we "need to eat less and exercise more" and we will lose weight, so we are always "counting calories" or trying semi-starvation - NOT fun. If you are eating the right foods for your body, your body will tell you how much you need to eat. The problem is, carbohydrate consumption (especially wheat) is an appetite stimulant. When you eat too many carbs - you crave more food than you need. This can lead to the cycle of food restriction = intense hunger = binging = food restriction. Instead of restricting all food, I suggest you restrict only your carbohydrate instead. After an initial period of withdrawal (yes, as in the same thing as nicotine or other drugs), you will find that you no longer get intense feelings if hunger. This is due to a more regulated insulin response instead of riding the roller coaster of euphoric, dizzying highs and sleepy, foggy, sluggish lows.
Here is what I packed for work today. My water bottle holds 4L and I fill it at least 3/4 full if not more. My protein sources (turkey veggie chili and chicken legs) are large but they are balanced out by a larger container of vegetables. I have a small container of nuts and a couple of homemeade paleo nut bars leftover from our ski weekend for fats. I had 1/2 an avocado in my "green monster" shake this morning with 2 eggs and will have meat and steamed veggies for dinner tonight.
It's way more fun to eat and enjoy than worry about every calorie and bite you take - just remember to fuel the machine with the right fuel and your body will thank you!
Hope this helps :) If you haven't had a personal nutritional consult from Flip Fitness yet, shoot me an email and we
can help you out!
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