Wednesday 2 January 2013

New Year - New Train of Thought...

It's cliche, but the turn of the new year is a great time to think about what you really want for yourself this year.  Are you really happy with how you treat yourself?  Are you truly striving to be the best you can be?  Are you uncomfortable in your body and dreading the warmer months?  Are you aware of how your actions (or inaction) affect your short term and long term health?

These are all important questions we should ask ourselves.  And then know this:
You have the power to change it!

Don't just "resolve" to eat better or exercise more - words get swept by the wayside more often than not.  Take a moment right now to PLAN for success.  Make at least 3 appointments for exercise time in your day timer and agree that they are non-negotiable.  Make a grocery list and plan to cook at least 3 healthy dishes in the next few days so you are prepared.  Write a list of foods you know have negative affects on your health that you eat too often and decide that they are no longer a part of your life - at all.

Having the body and health you want is not rocket science - but it's not without effort either. 
Even if you have been saying it for the past 10 years... Say it again and mean it this time:

"2013 is the year I love my body and improve my health!"

If you have questions about how to do this - please contact Gary or I - we'd love to help!

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